no haşhaş no vitamin dinle ne demek?

"No Haşhaş No Vitamin" is a song by the Turkish rapper Sagopa Kajmer. The song was released in 2006 and is a part of his album "Bir Pesimistin Gözyaşları".

The lyrics of the song reflect Sagopa Kajmer's criticism of the controversial drug culture in Turkey, particularly the use of hashish. The title of the song, "No Haşhaş No Vitamin", literally translates to "No Hashish, No Vitamins". The song sends a message to young people to avoid drug use and addiction.

Musically, "No Haşhaş No Vitamin" is a fast-paced hip-hop track with hard-hitting beats and a strong bassline. The song's production is heavily influenced by Western hip-hop music and features a catchy chorus that is sure to get listeners moving.

Overall, "No Haşhaş No Vitamin" is a socially conscious and energetic track that has become a popular hit in Turkey and has helped Sagopa Kajmer cement his place as one of the country's most popular rappers.